Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

All humans "are created equal".

All are endowed with "unalienable Rights" such as "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

What declarations! For sure, "The Declaration of the thirteen united States of America" was for the birth of a nation. But those words are all about individual human beings! They are really declarations of independence of individuals! Whether one is from an emperor's family or from a family of plain Joe Sixpack or Old-Hundred Surnames, should matter not!

Putting individual parts ahead of the collective whole, of course, is the left-brain thinking, along with a batch of other thinking characteristics such as being logical, rational, analytical, objective. Those are relative to the right-brain thinking--looking at the whole first and being random, intuitive, holistic, subjective.

Where is the world's left brain? If you look at the globe, if you take the Pacific Ocean as more like a face, then, you may say, the Declaration of Independence was indeed from the left brain! And it follows that the other side is the right brain. That is one Feng-Shui or Wind-n-Water reading!

Enjoy the fireworks!

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